Infinite Way Circle – Qi Gong and Kung Fu at the Haven

Infinite Way Circle is an interdisciplinary system focused on Full Body, Mind and Spirit integration to create balance, vitality and peace within. By changing ourselves, we that health to permeate into the world. Through our infinite connections to nature and the Source, we can learn to retain what is vital (Love) releasing all else that disconnects us from divinity. The Infinite Way Circle offers instruction in Ba Gua Zhang Martial Arts, Dao Yin/Qi Gong, Spiritual coaching and workshops, public and motivational speaking, and healing through nature.  

Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques and focused intention. Our system of Qi Gong is the healing aspect of the martial art and is a branch of Chinese medicine.  The traditional name is Dao Yin, or “Leading and Guiding.”  This system focuses primarily on increasing the health of all of the systems in the body through gentle exercise and cultivation. Qi Gong is generally done at a slower pace with different tensions, intent, and breath than the martial exercises.  The exercises focus on joint movement and manipulation, which in turn stimulates meridians and energy flow throughout the body.  The joint movements, coupled with the twisting and wave-like movements of the body, directly affect the physical organs themselves, allowing for increased blood flow into the abdominal cavity and improved organ function. To deeply learn and execute Qi Gong effectively, a practitioner must also learn the fundamentals of Chinese Medicine, including the principles and theories of Qi, Yin and Yang, Five elements (Wu Hsing), the Yijing, the Jing Luo to include the Zhang Fu pathways, the Qi Jing Ba Mai pathways, and the sinew pathways.  We must learn these to more effectively open the meridians and remove stagnations to bring about vital health and longevity.  Breathing methods are taught from both a traditional and a western perspective.  These methods are taught separately first, and then later integrated with the movements.