Staying Healthy This Winter

It’s happening. The mornings are crisp. The leaves are changing. We’ve even had a couple of good frosts! It’s a good time to implement a few small changes stay healthy this winter.

Eat seasonally. mostly what you’d find at the farmers market. Skip the salads, and fruit of summer and start to make more roasted root vegetables, and soups. This food will support your body in transitioning to fall and winter.

Stay warm. Your body is adjusting to the new season. Circulation patterns change, your metabolism changes. Take an extra moment to grab a scarf, wear a jacket or pull on a hat. It will keep your lymphatic and circulatory systems working better through the transition of the seasons, which is how your immune system fights off bugs. There’s even some research that illustrates that keeping your body temperature up, helps your immune system function better.

Seriously. Wear a hat.


Soup’s on!












Get more sleep. It’s natural & healthy to want to hibernate as the days get shorter. Go to bed a little earlier, and skip the early-morning wake-up. This is a great time to start to slow down and take more time to rest.  (Check out last year’s seasonal blog “It’s Time for a Nap”) Recover from the busy, hot summer, and get ready for what can be a stressful holiday season.

Consider adding some supplements. Elderberry has been shown to be extremely effective for cold and flu prevention; extract it at home from fresh  or grab elderberry extract at the grocery or health-food store (Roanoke Co-op, Earth Fare and Nature’s Outlet will all have it). High dose vitamin D3 can also benefit mood, energy and immunity this time of year. Start with 5000 IUs daily and see how you feel!

Wash your hands. All. The. Time. Hand sanitizer is an okay substitute, but the safest, gentlest way, is good-old-fashioned soap. This also prevents creating strains of treatment-resistant bacteria with ‘anti bacterial’ products.

Get regular acupuncture. One of the easiest ways to keep your stress levels low and your immune function high is through regular acupuncture.

And if you do get sick, it’s okay. Getting a cold is also healthy, in its own way! Your body is mounting the appropriate response. Come in for acupuncture at the first sign and we can make the cold shorter, milder and get you back to feeling good quickly! We may even send you with some herbs.