The Worst Kind of Love Affair – Smoking & Me

from Katie Clifton, owner and acupuncturist at Queenpin

I was 10 years old the first time I picked up a cigarette. I can’t say it was love at first puff, but somehow over the years cigarettes became a coping tool for dealing with anything thrown my way. For me cigarettes were a diet tool, stress reliever, amphetamine, social lubricant, and a way for me to take a break from my life multiple times a day. I loved them, and I hated them. I always say cigarettes were my best/worst boyfriend charming me back everytime I left. I was horribly ashamed to be a smoker. When I was a kid being a smoker went right along with my rebellious attitude, but as an adult, smoking made me feel weak and ashamed. Yet, I felt stuck. I had quit multiple times before, I even quit for four years once, but quitting was HARD and it took me a long time to build up whatever it was that I needed to do it. I also still loved part of smoking, I used to fantasize about being able to smoke when I hit my 80’s. It was something I had given up for a time, but I never became a non-smoker. 

The last time I quit was 6 years ago. It took me a year to get there because none of my usual tricks worked. I felt like I had used them all up. There was a point that I became terrified that I actually would never be able to quit, but I was determined to make the full transformation to a non-smoker, so I persevered in my search for a way to end this awful cycle. As much as I loved all the good things that smoking did for me, the bad was outweighing the good: I had constant bronchitis, I was short of breath when exercising, I felt like I couldn’t focus for more than an hour without wanting to take a break to go smoke, and I was deeply embarrassed that I was a smoker. I carried that shame with me through my days, constantly sneaking off, washing my hands, chewing gum, spraying myself with perfume to cover it up. 

My own  struggle has given me compassion and empathy for people who would like to quit smoking. When people ask me if  acupuncture can help them quit smoking, I always respond that acupuncture can be one part of a bigger plan. In my experience, people need systems in place that address both the deep psychological and physical withdrawal symptoms of quitting. After I quit smoking,I was shocked at some of the negative things that happened and I needed help to process them: I had a horrible cough, my mood was unpredictable, I became susceptible to candida outbreaks. I went to my acupuncturist for some of the side effects of quitting smoking, I also worked with a therapist to help me figure out how to deal with life without cigarettes. I changed my daily patterns, I walked the dog A LOT. 

My struggle is one of the reasons why this January Queenpin is launching a 6 week program to help folks move beyond their tobacco usage. Starting Sunday, Jan 5th we are partnering with Margaret Soper, Licensed Professional Nurse & Certified Tobacco Treatment Specialist, we will help you along this path. This comprehensive series will include 4 Community Acupuncture Treatments, 4 Acu-Detox Treatments, and 6 Group Support Sessions to guide you through every step of the quitting process. The Group Support sessions will give you all the tools you need to find your determination and change your habits. The Acupuncture and Detox Treatments handle your physical cravings, any unpleasant symptoms of quitting, and support your body/mind in recovery. You will also receive an herbal tincture, filled with herbs to support lung detoxification, ease withdrawal, and calm your mind. For those moments of craving, you will have a blend of essential oils designed to reduce the desire to smoke or vape and support your new habits. You don’t need to have quit to start this program – your first Group Support Session builds the foundation for you to be successful in giving up smoking. We also don’t require the use of any additional quitting aids (patches, pills, etc) so once you’re done, you’re DONE! 

Register and purchase the package via phone at 540- 685-2718 x2. All treatments and sessions will be scheduled at that time.  

The Details: 

The program runs from Sun, Jan 5th – Thurs Feb 13th. The cost is $350, paid in advance. 

Community Acupuncture (1hr) and Acu-Detox (45 min) Treatments are scheduled by the participant any time our Community Acupuncture clinic is open: Tues & Thurs 9am – 6pm & Sun 11am – 2pm. The program will start with 2 acupuncture treatments per week for 2 weeks and maintain with 1 treatment per week from there. 

Group Support Sessions (1hr) are Wednesdays at 5:30pm and Sundays @ 3:30pm. Come once a week, to either session, for the biggest benefit. Please check your calendar ahead of time to assure these dates work for you.

This is a comprehensive program and works only with commitment from the participants. For this reason, no exchanges/rain-checks/refunds/etc. are permitted. 

We do not guarantee success. This is a personal journey and while we are confident that each participant can quit smoking with these tools, individual results may vary.